Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Sometimes I wonder (as I'm sure i've told you before), how can it be true that I'm here?  I peek over my scarf  into the fogged windows of the shops I pass every day on my morning commute-- and see things I would not have even recognized four months ago.  I see signs in a script that's almost unbelievably foreign-  a code in a childrens' fantasy book.  I bow to cashiers, eat exclusively with chopsticks, and absentmindedly rub my thumb over the golden, embroidered characters on my black belt that spell my name.  I look down the streets through the ever-present fog that eventually dissolves everything I can see, except for the mountains that push out through the top of it.  I can travel to a temple on an island, or a bullet train in fourty minutes.  This place can be overwhelming if I stop to think, but sometimes I do anyway.
I live in Asia.  Think about that for a second.  It's a continent you may never see.  You'll only know it exists from news reports and encyclopedia entries.  But every day, I'm lucky enough to live somewhere that's unquestionably alien to everything I've ever known.
The world's full of places like this.  I can't see them all.  But it's a goal to which I would love to aspire.
Call me cheesy (or call me inspired...I'd prefer that), but a warrior-poet can't JUST kick ass, he's gotta write too.

The Tragedy of Man

What is the Tragedy of Man?  And is
Immortal pow'r the Glory of the Gods?
What splendors do we miss with hindered sight,
Truncated strength, and hampered time to trek?

For Man is but a watch with slackened spring,
Without- a glorious facade; Within-
A castle built below the reach of tide
In greater world than he could hope to see
In thousand-thousand sleepless wand'ring lives.

But oh, to be a god of all below;
With eyes beyond the stars- in every leaf!
With power to pull the oceans from my will
Begun before all worlds, and ne'er to die!

To make, to see, to live beyond the fall--
These lofty virtues ever hid from man.
But burdened is he with desire to seek,
Explore, without a hope of seeing all.

And what if men were gods, how would it be?
When worlds they crafted of primordial wish
With endless lives to see forever which
Their eyes all watching view from every stone.

"Memento Mori" - gift and call to arms!
The world's beyond your measure- raise your glass!
Give thanks that we, though limited to die
have now such times to see, such lands unmask!

And with each footfall think "poor, sorry gods!
Who never greet new worlds at every rise!"
May those who perish 'spire unfulfilled,
And roar a final plea for one more mile!

When Koreans want to encourage you to carry on, never give up, and persevere, they have a very succinct way of telling you that.  It captures the spirit of this place in a way that my writings never could.  I may adopt it myself, or at least give it a 30-day free trial.  What do you think?



  1. so how do Koreans tell you that?
    Oh, and I love your poetry

  2. Jeff.
    I love the statement of wonder & humility in your opening.
    The poem. Jeff. That's really, really good. Even to try and compliment it properly runs the risk of cheapening it, so I won't for now. But know that we will discuss it in the future; it's incredible.
    Great post as always, amico.
    We have to talk, it's been a few weeks.
