Thursday, December 2, 2010

Technical difficulties

Dear fans, avid readers, friends, family, and those who stumble across my blog on google,
I apologize for the interruption to 14hoursandaworld.  Technical difficulties and illness have made posting these past few weeks impossible, out of reach, or annoyingly inconvenient.  My computer and health are terribly out of order at the moment (my health temporarily, my computer terminally) (I hope).  Both should be back online within the next week pending emergency UN aid drops to my apartment.  Until then, I am truly sorry for the delay.  You may return next week for your regularly scheduled doses of humor, pictures, insightful cultural commentary, borderline offensive cultural commentary, and geography.
The weather forecast for right now is fifty degrees and foggy with intermittent rain.  What an odd December...
19 days til my birthday
23 days til Christmas
29 days til New Year's
749 days til the end of the world (according to the mistranslated mayans!)

See you soon,

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